You have reached the halfway point in your pregnancy!! It is time to start nesting and creating those baby registries as I am sure friends and family are eager to buy for your little one! Over the years, actual big box baby stores have closed and the world of online shopping has taken over. You wonder, where do we register out of the thousands of places online? Let’s dive into my top 3 favorites that are easily accessible and to navigate for all your family and friends!
Number One: AMAZON! It is super easy to create a wish list, add to, remove from, or mark that an item has been purchased. Also, most people these days are Prime Members these days and will receive free shipping. I love that you can find everything and I mean everything from clothing to furniture!
Number Two: TARGET! For those friends and family members that like to visit a store to touch/feel gifts for you, this is a great one to add to your list. This usually makes elderly folks more comfortable purchasing from a store rather than online so this is by far essential to add to the places you are registered. Also, there are Target stores virtually in every city!
Lastly, which I feel is the cherry on top of all registries, is adding a local boutique or a place like Pottery Barn Kids or Crate & Kids. These places are so fun as they usually have more unique items. Pottery Barn Kids or Crate & Kids usually carry the same bedding lines from baby through teen, which makes planning your baby’s room easy!
Above all, most places offer registry completion discounts and extend the return windows. So, whether you are adding stuff to your registries online or in person, click away! You will always want to give your buyer a great selection of price points as well as items to choose from. Happy registering!