Labor and delivery can take a major toll on your body. Combine the stress of caring for a newborn and the lack of sleep and it’s not surprising that the majority of moms experience fatigue. Read along for some helpful tips to deal with this exhaustion.
First, everyone you talk to will always say it, sleep when the baby sleeps! Take this advice and do it! Your body has gone through incredible changes over the course of nine months and needs rest. Even if you are not fully sleeping, lie down close your eyes, and just try to relax your body and mind. The dishes and cleaning can wait. Even after birth, you need to practice self-care.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You are not a superwoman, so don’t try to act like it. In this day and age, we are able to order groceries online and have them delivered- do it! There are also numerous companies that offer premade healthy meals. Take advantage of these services to make your life easier. We also enlisted a housekeeper for the first few months after our baby was born. I can’t tell you what a relief it was not knowing that I didn’t have to try to keep house while learning to be a new mom.
Lastly, limit your visitors. We all know how cuddling a new baby is so much fun, but especially when you are still trying to get to know your little one, it can be hard to juggle a visitor schedule. It’s ok to let family and friends know that you are just not ready for visitors.
Most of all just listen to your gut and realize that even though life seems tough at the moment, it will get better. Utilize as much help as you are comfortable with and once the baby settles into a routine, start little by little to do life like you did before the baby. Trying to multitask it all once home from giving birth will not only make you crazy exhausted but your baby will feel that too and pick up on it. It takes a village doing life and raising kids, lean on the ones you trust and love and I promise you will be much happier!