As baby gets older and their tummies are able to hold more food they should be sleeping better through the night. Once they have come home from the hospital it is important to start establishing a loose routine. As you get to know one another and learn babies eating and sleeping patterns keeping a routine is key. You can never start too late, it will just be harder to get through those initial routine moments.
- Teach your baby to self-soothe. This by far will pull on your heartstrings, but I cannot stress enough the importance of this. I personally wish I would have been able to stand my ground with my son. It would have made many things easier for our family down the road. So how to soothe your baby you ask? Start by going into their room and placing your hand gently on their chest to calm them down. Then leave the room. This will be especially hard if they start crying again. But letting them cry will help them establish independence. As a mom, you will learn to distinguish what their cries mean and you will know if something is wrong.
- Wean the night feedings. Speak with your doctor about when the best time for your family is to do this. This will help when you are trying to have a baby learn to self-soothe.
- Stick to a schedule. Establishing and sticking to a schedule can be key to your baby learn the difference between daytime and nighttime. Since babies don’t know the difference try to stimulate them during the day as much as possible, expose them to natural bright light, and create specific feeding and nap times. You can teach your baby to self-soothe during the day as well when creating a schedule.
- Create the ambiance for sleep time. As this helps adults get into sleep mode it will for your baby as well. Keep their room at a comfortable temperature and dark. We love the Dohm sound machine for our son. It creates a soothing sound that downs out normal house noises. We actually still use this for our son today at 10 years old.
- Last but not least swaddle your baby. Wrapping your baby in a swaddle will give that comfortable, secure feeling they had within your womb. Some babies like their arms tucked in and some don’t. Try different ways to find out which is best for them. Keep in mind they may fuss getting swaddles but most will love it once they are in it.
Above all only you will discover what is best for your baby. I find it really helpful to utilize the internet for different tips and tricks as not all babies are alike. My best piece of advice is once you start, stay consistent as much as possible. I have noticed through the years (our son is 10 years old now) that babies and kids thrive off of routines and consistently. Establishing those routines can be hard, just use your patience as I promise it will pay off!