Pregnancy information is everywhere! You will be given pamphlets & websites to visit by your doctor, and information from friends and family- it can be overload! Despite all the information out there the following three things most surprised me when I was pregnant!
Many women have changes in hair texture and growth during pregnancy. Hormones can make your hair grow faster and fall out less. Sadly, these hair changes usually aren’t permanent. Women do lose some hair in the postpartum period or after they stop breastfeeding but I was shocked that one day I woke up and my hair was like a Pantene commercial! Secondly, the nesting instinct is incredibly real! Pretty much from that first ultrasound the urge to “nest” was in full force. Some women (myself included) will go on a cleaning and decluttering spree in preparation to bring the baby home. Lastly, I couldn’t get over how easily I could lose my concentration when I was pregnant. My mind wandered so easily and I would get lost in baby Lalaland. Making lists will help keep you on track with baby things to do as well as your normal daily activities.
Being pregnant is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life. It’s incredible what our bodies can do! You will have everyone under the sun giving you advice and information. Be careful not to get too wrapped up in information overload. Each woman’s journey is different and their own, you got this mama!